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Camel Milk to Treat Autism Symptoms

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Famed Author Christina Adams shares a new case report on the effects of Camel Milk as a treatment for Autism, based on her experiences treating her own son with Camel Milk. Christina is the author of, A Real Boy. Camel Milk has been used to treat other issues for centuries and is now gaining traction from the Autism community.
Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

The Noah’s Ark Exhibit at the Skirball

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If you are looking for something fun, educational and amazing to do with your kids, look no further than the Noah’s Ark exhibit at the Skirball Museum in Los Angeles. Have a child with special needs? Autism? Fear not! Take your children. The Skirball is world renowned for their spirit of inclusion, and they really mean it! Watch as Shannon Penrod takes her son Jem on an outing with a typically developing friend from school.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAsk Dr. Doreen Autism Network

Ask Dr. Doreen – Anxiety and OCD: Comorbidities with ASD – Part 2

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Autism expert Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh joins Shannon for a special episode of Ask Dr. Doreen. Ask Dr. Doreen is a weekly live segment where viewers can ask questions of one of Autism’s leading experts. In this episode Dr. Doreen answers the following questions:

Today Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh presents on: Anxiety and OCD: Comorbidities with ASD – Part 2

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAsk Dr. Doreen Autism Network

Ask Dr. Doreen – Anxiety and OCD: Comorbidities with ASD – Part 1

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Autism expert Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh joins Shannon for a special episode of Ask Dr. Doreen. Ask Dr. Doreen is a weekly live segment where viewers can ask questions of one of Autism’s leading experts. In this episode Dr. Doreen answers the following questions:

Today Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh presents on: Anxiety and OCD: Comorbidities with ASD – Part 1

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

LEGO® Awesome for Autism

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Autism mom Shannon Penrod talks about the power of LEGOS® in the hands of children with Autism. These amazing bricks have the ability to build imagination, creativity, self-esteem, fine motor skills, cognition, executive functions and social skills! The fact that they are well made, virtually indestructible and come in so many varieties that there is something to please every child on and off the spectrum, makes this toy a year in year out favorite!!! For more go to

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Smarty – November Scavenger Hunt

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For a fun indoor or outdoor activity we thought it would be a great idea to make a Scavenger Hunt for our kids. Using items you might find laying around you can make a list of objects our kiddos need to find. This type of activity is great for working on memory skills.

Smarty, short for smart art, is a monthly series showing the ways in which you can use art to bond with your child while practicing skills they are working on in therapy. Its real life application of lessons they are learning.

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CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Autism Live, Tuesday October 29th, 2013

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On today’s episode of Autism Live: Autism Mom Shannon Penrod talks with Alex Plank about how to build social skills with teens on the Autism Spectrum. Shannon offers healthy eating tips to get through Halloween without all the sugar. From the Autism Daily Newscast, a story about a new study finding a possible correlation between the rise of Autism and the use of acetaminophen

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at