Autism Network

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Autism in Love

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Director Matt Fuller along with producer Carolina Groppa talk with Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson about their current project, the documentary, Autism in Love. They share their inspiration for this pivotal project as well as information on how viewers can help to make the project reach fruition.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network


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Dr. Adel Najdowski shares easy to understand information about what DTT and NET are, what they look like and how and when they are used effectively to treat Autism. Included is a discussion about the misconceptions that surround these two teaching methods and the mistaken notion that they can’t be used in conjunction with each other and other techniques.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Nick Guzman Sings

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Nick Guzman was diagnosed with and Autism Spectrum disorder as a child. Today he is preparing to perform with Crosby, Stills and Nash for Autism Speaks’ event Light Up the Blues. Nick along with his mom Christina Guzman talk about Nick’s upcoming performance his path from Autism diagnosis to performance artist. Nick performs two songs live, leaving no doubt that this inspirational young man has talent that will take him far!

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Portraying Asperger’s

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Dan Shaked is a young actor who is not on the spectrum but he is currently starring in the play, On the Spectrum, in which he plays a young man with aspergers. Dan talks with Shannon Penrod and Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson about the research he did to play the role and reactions from the audience about the authenticity of his portrayal.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Acting Autism

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Virginia Newcomb is the talented actress playing a Iris, a young woman with Autism in the new play, On the Spectrum. Virginia joins Let’s Talk Autism with Shannon Nancy to talk about the research she did to play this role and how it has changed the way she views herself and others.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

What’s Left!?! – GFCFSF Cooking – Nutfree Breakfast Bars

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Autism Advocate Lisa Ackerman shares a recipe for Nut Free Breakfast Bars, including lots of alternatives to make it dairy and gluten free! For more recipes visit:

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

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CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Smarty – April Chia Pets

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Spring is in the air, and what better time to teach our kids about plants and growth. Making your own Chia Pet is fun and easy. Decorate them to teach labeling and work on cause and effect if they should forget to water them.

Smarty, short for smart art, is a monthly series showing the ways in which you can use art to bond with your child while practicing skills they are working on in therapy. Its real life application of lessons they are learning. This segment is sponsored by

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