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Autism Jargon: Functional Pretend Play

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Today’s Jargon is Functional Pretend Play! You may not know the term but you’ve definitely spent some time in a toy store aisle that featured Functional Pretend Play toys.

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Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Principles of ABA: Reinforcement

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Today on Autism Live: Dr. Adel Najdowski talks about the basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, including the way in which we use reinforcement to strengthen the likelihood a behavior occurs. If you have been confused about the difference between positive and negative reinforcement, this is your answer.

Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at

CategoriesAutism Live Autism Network

Atticus Baldwin & Isabella Hofmann

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Atticus Baldwin is an entertainer of the first order, in fact he is the newest entertainer in the Baldwin Family Acting Dynasty!!! Watch as Atticus entertains his Mother, Isabella Hofmann, and the ladies on Let’s Talk Autism with Shannon & Nancy!

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Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at