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Autism Live 2.12.25: Nick Yates

Nick Yates is Shannon’s special guest on today’s show.  Nick was a semi-regular on Autism Live, sharing his experiences and insights after graduating from college.  Now, several years later Nick returns to give us all an update on his life, finding love, a career as well as his thoughts now about all he has been […]

CategoriesAutism Network

Autism Live 2.12.25: Nick Yates

Nick Yates is Shannon’s special guest on today’s show.  Nick was a semi-regular on Autism Live, sharing his experiences and insights after graduating from college.  Now, several years later Nick returns to give us all an update
on his life, finding love, a career as well as his thoughts now about all he has been through and all he has accomplished.  Today’s Jargon of the Day is EIBI.

Autism Live 2.5.25: Alex Lin

Alex Lin, founder of Autism Rocks, joins Shannon to give updates on this year’ concert as well as a heart to heart about autism in the news and how it affects Alex and potentially others who identify as being on the spectrum.  Autism Live is committed to providing a platform for those who are neurodiverse […]

CategoriesAutism Network

Autism Live 2.5.25: Alex Lin

Alex Lin, founder of Autism Rocks, joins Shannon to give updates on this year’ concert as well as a heart to heart about autism in the news and how it affects Alex and poitentially others who identify as being on the spectrum.  Autism Live is committed to providing a platform for those who are neurodiverse to tell their stories and opinions, however the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Autism Live, Autism Live’s Host, or the Autism Media Network.

CategoriesAutism Network

Ask Dr. Doreen 2.4.25: When teaching independence is hard because you want to keep them safe.

Today on Ask Dr. Doreen, world renowned autism expert Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh discusses overcoming fears of teaching independence skills and how to do so safely, while considering the individual needs of the learner.  Tune in to listen
as Dr. Doreen answers questions in real time from viewers and listeners from around the world.
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Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod!

The advice and opinions expressed by the host of Autism Live and her guests are meant solely as suggestion and should not be in any way construed as child-specific advice. Any choices you make in determining your child’s treatment are completely at your own discretion.

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Autism Live 2.3.25: Kaz Windness

Author and Artist Kaz Windness joins Shannon to talk about her newest children’s book “Bitsy Bat, Team Star” which will be released on February 4th, 2025. Kaz Windness is the Geisel award-winning, genre crossing illustrator and author of funny heart-warming books for young readers. Proudly neurodivergent (ASD/ADHD), Kaz specializes in character-driven books celebrating inclusivity, grit […]