14:30 My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with level 5 high functioning autism. Does this mean she has full-blown autism or mild?
25:45 Smarty – June: Side Walk Paint
29:09 How can I increase the concentration of my 5 year old son, who was diagnosed with autism?
38:25 Is there a program in Ft. Myers, Fl for a 19 year old with Aspergers to get help with a job and self-help?
39:55 Mission Possible: Portraits of Hope – Justin
43:58 Do you have any suggestion on reinforcers appropriate in school setting for my 5 year old diagnosed with autism and how they can be delivered discretely? Any chance you can open services in the Philippines?
49:34 Do you have any recommendations of dealing with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and how to determine what are autistic behaviors that need to be addressed and what are symptoms of PANDAS? Can you refer me to any in-home ABA services in, or around, Carver MA?
54:00 I need information on getting my child into a school for autism.
53:59 Since my 5 year old high functioning son’s hyperactive behavior increases when his dad comes home from work, what can we change or do differently, also would enrolling him in a martial arts class be a good idea?
58:27 The A-Word
1:06:12 Mission Possible: Portraits of Hope – Nick
1:10:38 On this week’s Let’s Talk Autism with Shannon & Nancy, Shannon talks about the current news of the day, including a new study which may suggest the benefits of one probiotic, L.reuteri in the early treatment of Autism. Special guest Paul Fijal from Awake Labs talks about REVEAL, new technology that is worn on the wrist and sends data on physiological states in real time to a nearby smart phone. It can notify a parent or caregiver when a person on the spectrum is experiencing stress. Using this technology a parent can now prevent meltdowns!!! for more information visit: http://www.awakelabs.com/ LMFT Vince Redmond talks about the benefit of working with a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist when you have a member of the family with an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis.
1:11:48 Autism News: A new study which may suggest the benefits of one probiotic by Science Daily
1:13:45 Autism News: A Study about the “Chatty Gene” from the NYTimes
1:15:14 Autism Live Story of the Day: Gut Issues Playing a role in Autism
1:18:32 Autism Speaks Walk Promo
1:21:37 Mission Possible: Portraits of Hope – Justin
1:26:32 Special guest Paul Fijal from Awake Labs (On the Phone) talks about REVEAL, new technology that is worn on the wrist and sends data on physiological states in real time to a nearby smart phone
1:39:06 TACA Promo
1:44:13 Vince Redmond, LMFT talks about the benefit of working with a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist when you have a member of the family with an Autism Spectrum Diagnosis