Engagement, Sensory Issues, Middle Schoolers and More!


3:45 I’m so lucky to catch you on time πŸ˜† I have a question regarding my niece . She 13 months and she’s not banking baby words , not engaging with others, not walking and love the iPad most of the time.

9:30 Is there a place that we can send somebody to get training on how to do ABA?

13:45 what are your recommendations for parents with kid’s going to middle school? Please I will really really appreciate your time. Thanks

19:34 Can generalization be used on similar situations of occurrence or on any general term.

23:00 Hi Dr. Doreen, There was a study published in JAMA Pediatrics regarding video based therapy for infants suspected with Austim. In your view what does that mean for autism therapies and recovery?

25:25 there are major shortages of things right now since the holidays are around the corner and kids on the spectrum are fixated on certain toys and other things. what is your advice for these parents to help them with the shortages?

28:15 What exactly does brigance do? If you can repeat? I went there and it shows different calculators . Which one I would use for the 13 months infant https://www.curriculumassociates.com/… 30:45 My son is 13 & having a lot of sensory issues. I blame it to his hormonal changes. Any idea how long will this last? ( inappropriate touching, bouncing, hyperactivity…)

37:12 This is a question regarding reinforcers. I work as a BT, and I’ve bought many many toys to use with my clients, but I am having trouble with my current client. The child is fixated with smaller than rice objects. She is constantly looking for tiny pieces on the floor. The child is very little interested in β€œtypical toys”. Do you have any recommendations of what I can buy or use as reinforcers?

45:08 Our neurologist prescribed this medication. My son started this when he was 7 years old, he’s taking about almost 3 years now. He was okay taking this but the problem is he was Have a hot body that I was thinking fever. And He was taking a shower always for 3 times in one day. I tried to stop this medication, but behavior came back, he bang his head, he kick us and pinching, and he hurt himself by slapping his hardly. We started this from .30 up to 1mg. He’s in .25 right now because if he’s in higher dose even in the middle of the night he wants to take a bath. And again i want to stop this again cause of he wants to eat and eat even very late at night he’s gaining weight. He asked me to cook always. Until now he is nonverbal, I’m waiting for him to talk ,my neurologist told me its help for his communication the neuro. My husband wants to stop this medication. Even my son is on GFCF Still he needs to take this that’s we experience. I give him 2x a day for small dose and he was okay. No bad behavior but he took a bath always and eating a lot.

51:52 Very interesting, I am having a hard time teaching personnel space and keeping his hands to himself. Makes me wonder if I recorded him hanging on other kids he would be able to understand what he is doing

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