7:22 My 9 year old who has ASD and DMDD has been out of control for the last 3 weeks My 9 year old who has ASD and DMDD has been out of control for the last 3 weeks. We lost my husband (his dad and absolute favorite person) to a motorcycle accident exactly 4 months ago and my sons grief had been beyond words. Between us (his psychiatrist and I) trying to keep him from falling into a scary depression and him acting up, I think we may have messed up his meds and given him mania. He became hyper aggressive in the last two weeks and extremely difficult to handle. I am DEVASTATED that it had to come to this. I’ve cried like a baby, prayed to my husband to help me get through this, since I have two more little ones at home, and prayed to God to heal my sweet boy’s heart. Seeing him be restrained and taken was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to experience aside from the trauma of my husband’s death. I am feeling guilty, sad, ashamed (of myself and my parenting, not him), lonely, and absolutely desperate for a solution. I’m not really sure what I came here for, but I just know how terrible it is now to have to put your baby into inpatient care at a psychiatric facility. This is heartbreaking.
16:48 What do you recommend for anxiety related disorders?
24:45 What do you think about stem cell research?
31:52 What are your thoughts on the treatment of autism and other diseases with mms/chlorine dioxide?
32:28 Shannon & Dr. Granpeesheh, Thank you both so much! I am wondering if there is a way to obtain 1-on-1 personal assist. for using the SKILLS program for my 17 year-old (High Functioning/Asp.) daughter. I have contacted SKILLS and CARD, in VA, regarding this. My daughter is high functioning (Asperger’s) and so social / stimuli overwhelm is where is struggles. Thank you both for your tireless help!
36:34 Problem with a supervisor, is it ok to go to higher up imma little OCD and Policies that are not being communicated well
39:15 I want to know about does Gluten free casein free diet help? I want to know about does Gluten free casein free diet help? Vit D from sun and gut healing really matters on recovery of autism. 47:10 I think my 5-year-old son may be on the spectrum I think my 5-year-old son may be on the spectrum He takes things very literally (and this leads to frustration) He is highly sensitive to loud situations (he found a recent trip to a stadium sports match really overwhelming) If we shout he can’t handle it and reacts violently back He focusses obsessively on things like coloring (but it does calm him down) BUT While he is shy awkward with adults unless he knows them well and trusts them, he’s actually very popular with his peer group and loves socializing with other children. He can also be beautifully affectionate with us (on a good day) and can hold eye contact very well. In fact, he loves looking in our eyes. But would barely look at an adult he doesn’t know. Does this fit with Autism? Thank you so much.
53:30 Our 6-year-old grandson, who has autism and is nonverbal, has run out of the house naked twice Our 6-year-old grandson, who has autism and is nonverbal, has run out of the house naked twice in the last week and was found in a retail store parking lot. Police were involved both times. They live in the city and I’m worried DCFS may get called. Does anyone have any insight/advice so we can try and help the situation? Thank you so much, this is really hard.