Teaching Safety Awareness to Children with Autism | Ask Dr. Doreen

In this episode of Ask Dr. Doreen, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh addresses a crucial topic – teaching safety awareness to children on the autism spectrum. Responding to a concerned parent’s query, Dr. Doreen shares her expert advice and practical strategies to help parents instill safety awareness in their children. Tune in to gain valuable insights and learn effective techniques to ensure your child’s safety. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest episodes. #AskDrDoreen #AutismSafety #AutismAwareness

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Check out our other videos
➟Ask Dr. Doreen – How can I help get Rid of a Scripting?
➟Ask Dr. Doreen | My Child is Obsessing about Inappropriate Topics?
➟Ask Dr. Doreen – Difficulty Socializing, and Overcoming Anxiety

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Ask Dr. Doreen
Safety Awareness
Autism Spectrum
Parenting Advice
Autism Education
Autism Resources
Autism Community
Autism Advocacy
Autism Parenting
Autism Safety