The Autism Dadvocate – How can Fathers of Autistic Kids “lean in” and embrace their unique experience?

Hour 39 of the Autism Network Podcastathon


In this 1 hour segment, Paul Carroll – Founder & Creator of Autism Dadvocate – leads the audience through an overview of the unique experience of fathers of autistic children, and how Dads can be even more present with their amazing kids.

Paul will discuss the following:

·         His journey as the father of an autistic child

·         His personal struggles and when he hit the “valley” in May 2018

·         The catalyst for his creation of Autism Dadvocate

·         Why Dads need community, aka a “Tribe” of support

·         Common reactions to a child’s diagnosis

·         The six most common misperceptions about autism

·         Marriage, marital stability, and divorce

·         How and where can Dads “lean in” to the autism community

·         Special Guest – Rick Laferriere – Director of Workforce Initiatives, CVS Health

·         Topic: Neurodiversity in the Workplace

·         Rick’s own journey as the father of an autistic son

·         What Dads need to know about workforce inclusion and neurodiversity

Check out this episode!